Me 109 G6 D-FMBB
In 2018 it was decided to start a general overhaul of the airframe of the Fox Mike Bravo Bravo. We are particularly proud to have now also received the order for fuselage. The license building, originally manufactured in Spain, had countless repairs, corrosion damage and a real “maintenance backlog” in an eventful life.
we delivered:
- new fuselage parts 2,4,6 and 8 in the rear fuselage (production and assembly)
- new fuselage part 1 above (luggage compartment)
- new wing carrier
- new bulkhead, closer to version “Gustav”
- Repair of the entire canopy structure, new glazing
- Repair / completion of the device cover (front windshield)
- New weapon cover with the typical G6 dents
- new gear strut bearings made of hardened cast steel according to original drawings
- new engine struts